Virtual Tags for iOS

  Overcloud the crowd!

Web Features

New app slideshow

A new section has been added to the website featuring the several views composing the Virtual Tags experience. The views my be sequentially examined or browsed in a presentation.

The views of the Virtual Tags iOS app


New scenario for 9/11

A new scenario has been created on how to celebrate an anniversary like the one of September 11th.

Home page and video restyling

The home page of the official web site has been restyled in order to offer new opportunities for sharing your experience by means of Facebook, Twitters and Google+. Moreover a new access to the official Facebook page has been provided also taking into advantage the Rapid Weaver plug-ins by Fabo. Another plug in from the same provider has also allowed us to enhance the view of the videos associated to the application.

New Scenario for version (2.0) - game

A new scenario has been introduced for version 2.0 introducing the first Virtual Tags game. The game is a mixture of a treasure hunt with a human fox hunt and could bring upon hours of amusement.

New Scenario for version 2.0

A new scenario taking advantage of the new features of version 2.0 of the application has been added to suggest a solution in finding your way in a meeting of mostly unknown people. So please have a look at the new scenario:



New ticker functionality

A new feature has been added to the home page of the Virtual Tags Homepage in order to show at a glance the latest postings in the site blog and RSS Feed.


If you have not as yet visited the scenario section of the Virtual Tags web site, maybe this is the time to do it as the pages have been endowed with arrows making the sequential visit of the scenarios much easier: you may start at the following page.