New Releases
ARKit support since version 6.0
09/07/24 :15:48
Possibly collecting the requests by many developers weary of having to do with Quaternions, Gyroscopes and other arcane mathematical tools, finally the ARKit tool was introduced allowing to leave to apple the positioning of the objects in Augmented Reality and just having to handle the logic behind. Of course as soon that possibility was granted Virtual Tags adopted it provided a much more seamless experience without clouds rotating as the effect of Gimbal Locks.
New 3.0 version submitted
07/09/14 :16:01
After more than two years the focus of which was on the development of the new apps for the public transports, I am pleased to announce a new version of Virtual Tags has been submitted. The main reason was the oncoming release of iOS 8 requesting a different handling of the localization permissions, but it was also the chance for adapting several procedures hitherto introduced. So Virtual Tags is now based on a StoryBoard structure, has Arc, Autolayout, of the 4’’ format and more. So far little is modified in the user’s experience who may still leave her messages all over the world and see those of others in augmented reality, but the new structure paves the way for more future improvements.
New release of the free version submitted
25/03/12 :17:52
We inform the visitors to this blog the the 2.0 version of the free view app has been submitted for approval. We remind that it allows users to do most things of the full app with the exception of posting new tags and registering. Th new version add support for iOS 5.1 and for phantoms viewing both in augmented reality and on a map, like in the full version. That is consequently the app for people loving to lurk rather than appear.
Version 2.1 of the application released
25/03/12 :17:49
We have the pleasure to inform the users of the Virtual Tags app that the new version 2.1 of the app has been approved and it is now ready for download. The new version offers support for iOS 5.1 and it is consequently a mandatory upgrade; in addition a new interesting feature has been added to show the position of the users in an original way. We remind other people interested to purchase it that they may do so for just $1.99 in the iTunes Store .
New version for iOS 5.1 submitted
16/03/12 :22:25
The new 2.2 version of the Virtual Tags application has been finally submitted to the iTunes Store for approval after fixing a critical issue that was incompatible with iOS 5.1. In addition a new feature has been added to locate in a map the fellow taggers wherever in the world. Clients of the application will freely receive the new version as an update as soon as it is approved.
New version at work
25/11/11 :16:35
A new version is ready to solve the issue with the white bars occasionally appearing on the main view and is eating for a fix by Apple of the problem with the locked objective when returning from another view and holding the device in profile mode. Note: the problem does not show when holding the device in landscape mode.
Version 1.5 of Virtual Tags available for download
08/10/11 :10:53
The new iOS 5 ready version of Virtual Tags has been approved by Apple and is now ready for download. The new version, with the help of the iOS 5 SDK, finally provides a full landscape experience in all views of the application including the main one with the camera. Other long expected improvements are the possibility of posting and viewing messages using non-latin alphabets like the cyrillic. Moreover some minor glitches were removed.
The current version was based on a pre-release of iOS 5 and had to be posted in advance of its release as the old ones did not work on iOS 5 and will be probably followed by an updated one when the final version of iOS 5 is out.
As usual you may download it on the iTunes Store by clicking on the following button:

The current version was based on a pre-release of iOS 5 and had to be posted in advance of its release as the old ones did not work on iOS 5 and will be probably followed by an updated one when the final version of iOS 5 is out.
As usual you may download it on the iTunes Store by clicking on the following button:

New iOS 5 version ready
05/09/11 :15:32
A new release of the application will be released concurrently to the iOS 5 distribution. Taking advantage of new iOS features been requested by probably many developers included myself, it will finally allow the application to be used in landscape mode so to better replicate the preferred field of vision while scanning for artifacts, and support non-latin alphabet by means of the support of the UTF-8 protocol. Then just be tuned and be ready to download the app soon after installing the iOS 5 system as the present version may not perfectly work on iOS 5 devices.
FREE Virtual Tags Viewer Available
08/07/11 :10:12
We are happy to inform the fans of the Virtual Tags platform that the free viewer application is now available for download at the following link:

The application allows to see exactly the same objects available in the full application (for the time being clouds and avatars), the restriction being only in the impossibility of posting your own.

The application allows to see exactly the same objects available in the full application (for the time being clouds and avatars), the restriction being only in the impossibility of posting your own.
Version 2.0 delivered
28/06/11 :10:05
Release 2.0 has been approved and is now available for download by its customers. The new release revolutionises once again the world of Augmented Reality by inserting the users themselves into it in the form of Avatars carrying on their vest a message selected buy their users and following closely the user’s position. Just fantasy is the limit to the use of this feature when applied to social gatherings. conferences, walking in the park and much much more.
iPod Touch users have also been cared for by providing a tool to simulate the compass in devices where this sensor is not available, a new indicator will show its presence and correct functioning.
iPod Touch users have also been cared for by providing a tool to simulate the compass in devices where this sensor is not available, a new indicator will show its presence and correct functioning.
Free version produced and submitted
22/06/11 :22:42
A new free version of the App has also been produced and submitted to Apple for approval. The application will behave like the full one with the single exception that messages may only be read but not written, and the profile of other users seen but one’s own not displayed.
Version 2.0 submitted to Apple
21/06/11 :21:28
The new revolutionary 2.0 version of the application has been submitted to Apple for approval. In addition to a number of improvements, the new version allows the users themselves to take part to the Virtual Tags world by means of an alter-ego presenting other users with the contents of their profile.
Version 1.9 delivered
28/05/11 :11:18
In a much more efficient way than for the previous version, Apple has approved and released the new version in a timely fashion. The new version sports the following list of bugs fixing and improvements:
- The calculation of the distance is correct also close to the poles.
- A new background music has been provided with a piece from the young italian singer Raffaella Daino.
- A new tab of news about the Virtual Tags environment has been added.
Version 1.9 submitted to Apple
24/05/11 :17:59
Version 1.9 of the App has been submitted with the correction of a glitch that brought to a wrong calculation of the distance of the users from the tags in extreme northern or southern lands, a new beautiful background musical support by the young italian singer Raffaella Daino, and a special tab to access these news directly from inside the app.
Version 1.8 delivered
16/05/11 :19:39
After a two weeks’ wait version 1.8 has been finally approved and is now available for the free download by the users of the application. The new version provides a number of upgrades and bug fixes including:
- Fixing of a calculation bug that used to set clouds at a different altitudes out of view.
- Fixing of an issue that hindered the manual insertion of the geotagging information.
- The clouds now move more smoothly.
- The application now regularly displays the tags also when many of them are loaded or when the performance of the device is limited.
- It is now possible to abort a login or account modification without the application to crash.
- French localization.
Release 1.8 submitted
02/05/11 :19:42
A new release of the application has been submitted to Apple for approval with a number of important fixing focused on the positioning of the clouds that in the past release are unfortunately not always shown as they should, rendering it much smoother by the elimination of most non thread safe components in the code.
Moreover, following a hint by a user that by those means has won one of the soon to be available merchandise objects, the handling of the manual insertion of the geotagging information has been totally revamped.
Finally a french version of the application is available to complement the English, Italian and German version already available.
Moreover, following a hint by a user that by those means has won one of the soon to be available merchandise objects, the handling of the manual insertion of the geotagging information has been totally revamped.
Finally a french version of the application is available to complement the English, Italian and German version already available.
Release 1.7 delivered
23/04/11 :14:36
Possibly as consequence of the oncoming Easter holiday, Apple approved this version in an unexpectedly timely way. Consequently German users will join the Italian ones in their possibility of using the application in their own language. All the other users will enjoy the peculiar adding of the altitude feature that will allow to actually see tags on the top of mountains or near a different floor of one’s building. The old feature associating the vertical position to the inclination of the iPhone at the time of the posting has been kept for when the message and the reading user are approximately at the same altitude.
Release 1.7 submitted
22/04/11 :17:10
Version 1.7 of the Virtual Tags application has been submitted to Apple for approval. Its main features are the support for the german language and the taking into account of altitude information when placing and displaying tags. Moreover some modifications have been made to the integration between scoring and reviewing in order not to punish any longer users delaying their rating.
Release 1.6 approved
16/04/11 :17:13
The release 1.6 of the Virtual Tags app has been approved and made available for the free download of all its users. The app features support for the italian language.