July 2011
Virtual Tags Stats by AppAnnie
29/07/11 :11:41 To be also found in: Information
Model for the app merchandize
25/07/11 :17:27 To be also found in: merchandising
Soon the new model for the Virtual Tags merchandize will be presented to show with her beauty the objects in our little shop.
Feature demo on order by DailyAppShow.Com
25/07/11 :15:23 To be also found in: Promotion
We have the pleasure to inform you that a new feature demo is on order by DailyAppShow.Com to be produced on August 2nd according to the schedule and will be also presented on this site as soon as it is delivered, so becoming the new official video for the application. If you have not done so already, we invite you to view the present official video teaser on the home page and the collection of all the produced video in the Video Page.
Home page and video restyling
19/07/11 :12:09 To be also found in: Web Features
The home page of the official web site has been restyled in order to offer new opportunities for sharing your experience by means of Facebook, Twitters and Google+. Moreover a new access to the official Facebook page has been provided also taking into advantage the Rapid Weaver plug-ins by Fabo. Another plug in from the same provider has also allowed us to enhance the view of the videos associated to the application.
FREE Virtual Tags Viewer Available
08/07/11 :10:12 To be also found in: New Releases
We are happy to inform the fans of the Virtual Tags platform that the free viewer application is now available for download at the following link:

The application allows to see exactly the same objects available in the full application (for the time being clouds and avatars), the restriction being only in the impossibility of posting your own.

The application allows to see exactly the same objects available in the full application (for the time being clouds and avatars), the restriction being only in the impossibility of posting your own.
New Scenario for version (2.0) - game
07/07/11 :16:36 To be also found in: Web Features, games
A new scenario has been introduced for version 2.0 introducing the first Virtual Tags game. The game is a mixture of a treasure hunt with a human fox hunt and could bring upon hours of amusement.
99 registered users and flash prize
05/07/11 :17:56 To be also found in: Users
IMPORTANT! The number of registered users have reached the number of 99. The next registered and activated user will be the 100th and will therefore receive a free shirt as a prize. The next users to register can contact us to check if their email address is the winning one. Should the winner be out of Italy she will only have to pay the shipping price as detailed in the shop page.
Post by Ben LLoyd
01/07/11 :15:45 To be also found in: Press releases
New Scenario for version 2.0
01/07/11 :12:38 To be also found in: Web Features
A new scenario taking advantage of the new features of version 2.0 of the application has been added to suggest a solution in finding your way in a meeting of mostly unknown people. So please have a look at the new scenario: